Monday, July 27, 2009


This year I am growing an eggplant. I never liked eggplant, but I wanted to give it another try, so I grilled a small one. I wasn't too crazy about it, but I don't hate it anymore. How do you go about having eggplant in your food storage? Vikki, in her post yesterday (7/27/09), found a great solution. She said:

"Last year I dehydrated eggplant slices dipped in lemon juice but they browned a little too much. I just found a better way, and since our first eggplant of the season is about ready to pick, now's the time to try it!

Choose eggplants about the same size or smaller than a large pear. Wash and wipe dry. Hang them from their stem in the sun for a few days. No other prep required. They are ready when you shake them and you can hear the seeds rattling inside. Store in plastic bags or jars.

Slice and rehydrate to use."

I would do this even though I'm not so fond of eggplant. It can be ground into a powder, along with other vegetables, to make a great instant soup!

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