Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heat-Wave Survival, part 1

While the forces of nature generally take a backseat to the death and injuries caused by the ravages of war and the man-made hazards of automobiles, heat waves can sometimes rival the effects of many other natural hazards combined. Being able to survive the extreme temperatures of a heat wave can be a daunting task for people everywhere. Heat waves can strike any area of the country with devastating results that cause a huge loss of life. This includes places where cooler temperatures usually prevail and extremely high temperatures normally don't happen very frequently. A properly working air conditioner can be a great way to "beat the heat" but if there is a rolling blackout due to strains on the public utility system there may be little or no power available. Plus many individuals do not have air conditioning systems, as they aren't normally needed in most circumstances by a large number of people. There are some simple steps you can take to lessen the risks posed by a heat wave.

1.) Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Maintain adequate levels of hydration by drinking plenty of the proper types of fluids.

You need to drink more water than normal when it's hot. Thirst is one of the first signs of becoming dehydrated. You should drink adequate amounts of the proper fluids before you become thirsty in order to prevent dehydration. It may even be necessary to replace electrolytes lost by the body if you are sweating profusely.

2.) Eliminate additional sources of heat in your home.

Lights and appliances (such as dryers, stoves, and ovens) can create additional heat in your home that you don't need. Use them only at night when temperatures are cooler to help avoid generating extra heat in your home.

3.) Avoid excess metabolic heat that is created by your body by eating light meals that require little or no preparation.

Eat fresh foods that do not require you to use the oven or stove in order to prepare your meals. Avoid high protein content meals that will raise metabolic levels and increase the body's own heat levels. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages that can cause further dehydration.

[From Stealth Survival]

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