Saturday, July 11, 2009

Food Recalls

Frequently, there is news of food recalls. The FDA tells us not to eat things like alfalfa sprouts, pistachios, peanut butter, cookie dough, spinach or lettuce, because it contains salmonella or E. coli. There was an article on this subject in the Fresno Bee's Parade section on June 28, 2009. The article said, "It may look like the food supply is getting less safe, but it actually means that we're getting better at detecting the outbreaks." "It's not possible to be inspecting and testing every food item . . . you simply cannot do it." That doesn't make me feel very secure about the food that I buy at the market. What I don't want is to read that a specific food has been recalled because it is making people sick (or worse), and realize that I ate that food yesterday. This is a terrific reason to grow and can my own food, at least as much as possible.

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