Sunday, August 2, 2009

Homemade Mustard

Yesterday was National Mustard Day! I never knew there were so many different kinds of mustard. This is something to add to our food storage, to add a little spice to some of the more bland foods. It is easily made from scratch, as long as you have the powdered mustard.

Homemade Mustard

Mix together equal parts mustard powder and water--that's it!

You can also make mustard from mustard seeds, but it is a bit more involved, and I will not be going into that here. If you are interested, just Google homemade mustard.

1 comment:

  1. What an easy mustard recipe! Thanks for sharing. One thing that makes storing mustard easy (besides making it at home) is with the individual condiment packages that you can purchase. Instead of opening a whole thing of mustard and have to refrigerate it, individual packs of mustard work great.
